“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
2013. By tomorrow, 2012 will be just a distant memory. But I will not forget this past year that quickly. It was the year my sister fought her battle with colon cancer. And won. Boom!

It was the year that my family grew closer than it had ever been in years. We were always close but we really pulled together this past year to make sure that Charlotte made it through her chemo treatments. Hell, we pulled together to make sure that she made it through each day.
It was the year that made me realize that there are more important things in life than squatting, deadlifting and swinging kettlebells. Your family.
My sister is a HUGE part of my world. We are only 20 months apart in age and we have been through a lot together. Watching her suffer for the first 7 months of 2012 was extremely difficult, especially because she really fought with such strength and dignity. And fight she did. Today, she is living cancer free and is looking forward to a new year, a happier year, a year without pain, without tears, without the unknown.
2012 was also a year of growth for me as a business owner, a wife, a daughter, a friend. I attracted more customers which meant more exposure for the gym. I spent more time with my husband than I ever have in the past five years. I saw my parents more as a result of my sister’s illness which meant more time spent with them. I had great lunches with girl friends. I was able to spend real, quality time with people I love.

It was the year that I performed in my first professional dance concert since injuring myself in 2009.

It was the year that I trained the Olympic lifts and FINALLY enjoyed myself. 😉
It was the year that I held the 1st Charm City Strongwoman Contest with the help of my co-host and good friend Mike McKenna of McKenna’s Gym. An amazing group of women came together on that day to celebrate strength.
It was the year that I ran my first Rebel Race with my awesome ladies of Fivex3, went spelunking in Puerto Rico with my husband and reached my goal of pressing 95lbs on Christmas Day.
So what is in store for me this year? Well, in 2013, I simply plan to continue where I left off in 2012. 😉 No resolutions. No “I will’s.” I plan to continue to get stronger. Enjoy spending more and more time with my husband.

Set my new goal of a bodyweight bench press.
Hang out with my sister MORE.
Be a devoted aunt to Jack and Eleanor.
Continue to provide the best possible coaching I can to my clients.
Find new ways to attract new members while staying true to my values and beliefs.
Enjoy my life and all the people who make it possible to do what I love to do.
Help people feel better, move better, be better, get stronger. Help people discover their true potential.
Life is not a neat little package. It will throw curve balls at you from time to time. Your job is to decide what to do when it comes hurling towards you.

My goal this year is to tackle each curve ball head on and hit them out of the park each time. What about you? 😉
Happy New Year everyone! Here’s to a new and stronger 2013!