Fivex3 Training

Training Log – 10/25-10/30

I usually train on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  Now that I am dancing again, my body cannot handle the volume that I was used to before. So, I am being smart about it. The week before last was a performance week. I had a dress rehearsal on Thursday, October 20 followed by a performance Friday and two performances on Saturday. That week was my de-load week and all I did was roll, stretch and do tons of mobility work. I felt great each night as a result, and the performances went very well.  Only issue: I landed funny on my left arm in one of the performances and my shoulder is a little funky right now. I am having a hard time getting under the bar so instead of back squats, I did front squats instead. I am also not including any barbell overhead pressing as the shoulder needs some time to heal. Bench press is fine and unilateral pressing does not bother it either. But I took a break from the overhead work this week following the show. Here is what last week’s training looked like:

10/25/11 – Squats

Warm up
Foam roll – ALWAYS
Lacrosse ball work
Dynamic warm-up

Power Cleans – 53 x 3 x 2 ; 63 x 3×1; 73x3x1, 83x3x5 (I was not going for all out weight; just enough to work on technique and form)

Front Squat – Instead of back squat (Shoulder issue)
Warm up

Bulgarian Split Squats or Rear foot elevated split squats – 50x10x3 (25 pounds held in each hand) I “hate” these like no other. 🙂 But I know they are good for me so I do them. And my body and glutes thank me.

10/26/11 – Bench

Foam roll – ALWAYS
Lacrosse ball work for back – Much needed
Dynamic warm-up

Bench press
115×4 ; x 3; x3; x2 – Not a bad bench considering that I have not been benching at all. I have recently fixed my form and now I am benching what I should have been benching all those months ago.

Inverted Rows with barbell on power rack  – 10×3

Push ups – 10×3

10/28/11 – Deadlift day!

Foam roll – ALWAYS
Lacrosse ball work for back and glutes
Dynamic warm-up

Hang cleans – 53x3x6 (A little power before my slow lifts)

Deadlift (I messed up my thought process here. I backed off the weight to work on form and did more volume than I should have. Since I am dancing again, I am keeping my training heavy and reps low so I am not sore. Then I went and did 12 deadlifts at 180. Not too smart. Making up for it next time.)

135x5x1; 160x5x1;180x12x1

RDL’s – 175x5x3.

Barbell glute bridges – 275x5x3 –


Conditioning!!! I repeated the same circuit from the previous week to see if I could do better. I did. 🙂 20 squat jumps this week instead of only 16. More power in my rope slams and ball slams. More power overall and my recovery time in between sets was much improved.

Squat jumps – x20/20/20

Ball throws against wall with 10 lb ball- 20/20/20

Rope slams – 20 slams followed by ripples

KB swings – 20kg bell – 23 swings

Ball slams with 1olb ball – 23 slams

5 exercises. 30 seconds on/30 seconds off. 1:30 recovery between round 1 and 2. 2:00 recovery between round 2 and 3. Each round lasted 4:30 minutes.

Training log for this past week coming on Sunday!!!

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